Modern Midlife Mavens
A transformational opportunity for those aged 45-70
Registrations will be limited to 15 people
Comments from past participants
"This program exceeded my expectations. I wish there were more sessions.”
“It was interesting, fun, social and thought provoking."
Would you recommend this class to a friend?
"Absolutely! It was great on many levels - met new people, learned about myself, and saw things from a variety of perspectives.”
"Yes! Definitely! A wonderful way to gain wisdom and make friends.”
"100 %. It is very thought provoking - helps me appreciate where I am in my life and look forward to what lies ahead.”
Mid-life (now called middlessence) is an age when we take our distilled wisdom and start to apply it. It is a time to ask deeper questions about meaning that may be nagging at us (for some it may be earlier, some later; mileage may vary). Franciscan priest and author Richard Rohr says:
“This is the age when our primary operating system moves from our ego to our soul, but no one gives us operating instructions.”
I invite you to join me and a small cohort of mid-lifers (up to 15) to find those operating instructions. For the second time, a group of curious and intrepid folks will go on a potentially transformative journey to explore the questions that emerge in mid-life.
Together we will:
Take a mid-life pitstop,
Question our mindsets about aging,
Become great editors of our lives as well as curious learners, and,
Engage in deep and meaningful conversations.
We will also develop new rituals and find more awe on the path to greater joy and purpose.
Combining the science of long-life living and Jewish wisdom through the ages, we will create a sacred space for life-changing conversations with “like-hearted” people who seek deeper meaning in their lives.
Mark Twain once wrote, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Please see this as your encouragement.
Materials Fee: $250 ​per participant
Curious? If you’re curious about this opportunity, reach out. Schedule some time with me to have a brief conversation
Ready to Sign up? Click the button!
7:00 - 9:00 PM
Monthly on Wednesdays
In person at the synagogue
September 25, 2024
October 30, 2024
November 20, 2024
December 18, 2024
January 22, 2025
February 12, 2025
March 26, 2025
April 23, 2025
May 21, 2025