Lifecycle Events
Community Synagogue of Rye warmly welcomes interfaith families.

Baby Namings
We celebrate the great blessing of a newborn with a ceremony that welcomes the baby into the covenant of Judaism, and confers upon the baby a unique Hebrew name. For boys, this is typically done together with the ritual circumcision called Brit Milah. If you are planning a Brit Milah or “Bris,” we are happy to recommend a number of local mohels (Jewish doctors or other individuals who are trained in the procedure of circumcision). For girls, or in cases where boys are circumcised without a religious ceremony, our clergy works with the family to design a naming ceremony, which can take place either at home or at the synagogue on a Friday night or Shabbat morning.
About a year after a funeral, Jewish tradition includes an unveiling of the grave stone. This ceremony helps bring a sense of closure to the mourning process, and reminds family members of the permanent memorial to their loved one. Please call the synagogue office at 914-967-6262 to schedule an unveiling.
“The rabbis who codified Jewish law, made it so easy for couples to marry that the minimal requirements for carrying out a kosher Jewish wedding can be summed up in a few words: the bride accepts an object worth more than a dime from the groom, the groom recites a ritual formula of acquisition and consecration, and these two actions must be witnessed. That constitutes a Jewish wedding; the rest of the traditions associated with Jewish weddings – the chupah, the seven wedding blessings, the breaking of a glass, even the presence of a rabbi – are customs. Custom changes over time and differs from one nation to the next. Some Jewish wedding customs have been discarded and forgotten, and some persist with even greater symbolic and emotional power that the religious prescriptions.” —Anita Diamant, The New Jewish Wedding
A wedding symbolizes the greatest hopes, dreams and aspirations for a couple. We at Community Synagogue of Rye are always honored to be a part of such an important event. Whether the wedding is for two Jews, a Jew and a Gentile, heterosexual or same-gendered couples, the clergy of Community Synagogue of Rye looks forward to guiding you through the process from the moment of engagement through the breaking of the glass. Seeking to form sacred relationships with those intending to marry, we can counsel you on every aspect of your preparations for the wedding and life beyond. We work with each couple to ensure that their marriage is as wonderful as the ceremony itself. Use our synagogue wedding guide as a resource and contact the clergy directly so that we can help you plan for this special day.
Community Synagogue of Rye is a strong support to families during times of loss. The clergy at Community Synagogue of Rye guides and counsels congregants and their family members when a loved one dies on decisions about a funeral, burial, shiva, memorials donations, plaques, etc. When the synagogue office is open, information on a death should be called into office at 914-967-6262. Staff members notify the rabbis and/or cantor immediately and the clergy reaches out to the family.
In the event of a death or pastoral emergency on evenings, weekends or holidays, phone the synagogue at 914-967-6262 and press 1 to reach a clergy member. There is always a clergy member on call if the synagogue office is closed.
Synagogue members may purchase plots in groups of four at Sharon Gardens in Valhalla, New York. Information is available in the synagogue office. All congregants are informed of deaths within the synagogue community so that they too may express their condolences.
About a year after a funeral, Jewish tradition includes an unveiling of the grave stone. This ceremony helps bring a sense of closure to the mourning process, and reminds family members of the permanent memorial to their loved one. Please call the synagogue office at 914-967-6262 to schedule an unveiling.

Celebrating a child’s B'Mitzvah is an important milestone in the life cycle of a Jewish family. As a congregant at Community Synagogue of Rye, you will find that the clergy, education staff, administrative and custodial staff and volunteers will be working with you to plan a beautiful and meaningful event.
Learn more about the B'Mitzvah program.
Download a list of Mitzvah Project Opportunities