Hesed (Loving Kindness) at CSR
Volunteering Made Easy
The Hesed Team invites you to be the Mensch you were born to be! Now more than ever we are looking for ways to stay connected and build relationships within the CSR community. Connections take only minutes, yet the feelings they create are long lasting.
• Sign up online to share how you can assist and contribute to our community
• Cook up some Chicken Soup for the Soul with others
• Enjoy fun interactions and share your story with a senior from CSR at their home
• Drive a fellow congregant to a doctor’s appointment, errand or grocery store
Just say “YES” and fill out our volunteer form below and help repair the world.
The commitment is minimal and the reward is priceless.
If you or someone you know can benefit from these services, please contact a member of our clergy or myself by clicking on the my name below Confidentiality is assured.
With gratitude,
Wendie Seguljic & the Hesed Team