Glynis is a native of Johannesburg, South Africa where she was involved for many years in Reform Jewish Youth and Camp Programs. Her professional expertise includes human resources, staff placement and career counseling. In 1985 she came to the United States as a volunteer at the URJ Kutz Camp national teen leadership program. She returned to the States six months later as Director of Winter Programming for the Camp. In 1989 Glynis entered the Hebrew Union College and was the first South African woman ordained as a Rabbi at HUC in June of 1996. During her time studying at HUC, she became the Director of the Kutz Camp, where she developed a fully funded program for children on the Autistic Spectrum. She also started a mentoring program for teens to volunteer with Autistic children. She became the Director of Staff Development, Training and Program Initiatives for the Camps of the Reform Movement, where she instituted financial and accountability structures for all of the URJ Camps. Her professional life after the URJ included acquiring private summer Camps – first a day camp and later a camp for kids with special needs.
In January of 2018 Glynis found a new home at Community Synagogue of Rye as Executive Director. She also currently volunteers as the treasurer of The Women’s Rabbinic Network, Glynis can be reached at or extension 222.