Programs for Young Children
Community Synagogue's Early Childhood Center (ECC) is a fully licensed nursery school in Rye, NY. We provide learning for children from age 2 through pre-kindergarten as well as afternoon enrichment programming, summer camp, and toddler time.
2’s Program

Our 2s program is guided with the understanding that most of these children will be experiencing separation from a parent/caregiver for the very first time. We support children into a gradual transition towards independent play and socialization. Our highly experienced and dedicated teachers provide a warm and friendly environment for the children to experience what “school” is all about. We focus on building trust, a love of school, independence, and being part of a community.
A typical day includes free play, circle time, indoor playground, outdoor playground (weather permitting), various arts and crafts, cooking, singing and snack time.
Parents may choose a three or five day a week program. Following a gradual introductory period in which the length of the school day increases each week, the typical school day runs from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM. Children in these classes must turn 2-years-old on or before December 1 of that school year.
3’s Program

The 3s is an important year in a child’s development. Parallel play gives way to more cooperative play, language and communication skills improve and the children are becoming more physically adept. As a result, our program for three-year-olds is our most structured year where we encourage participation in all areas of the classroom. The school day runs from 9:00 AM to 11:45 AM and parents may choose a three, four or five day a week program. Each class is run by an accredited head teacher, plus at least one qualified assistant.
Three-year-olds may elect to stay for our Afternoon Enrichment program, but must be toilet trained to participate in this additional program. Children in these classes must turn 3-years-old on or before December 31 of that school year.
4’s Program

Our 4s program builds on the confidence and enthusiasm that is typical of this age group and fosters even greater independence among the children by stressing self-care skills, gross and fine motor abilities, socialization, love of school, positive self-esteem and numerous other activities that prepare them for entering kindergarten the following year.
Parents may choose from two different schedules: (i) five mornings a week, from 9:00 am to 11:45 am or (ii) two full days from 8:40 AM to 2:00 PM and 3 half-days from 8:40 AM to 11:45 AM. All 4s classes are run by a head teacher with a Master’s degree in Education, plus at least one qualified assistant.
Children in these classes should be completely toilet trained and must turn 4-years old on or before December 31 of that school year.

Our Pre-K program offers a comprehensive academic readiness curriculum geared toward a successful kindergarten transition for children and their families who desire an additional year of growth before entering elementary school.
This "beyond pre-school" class includes hands-on science, math concepts, reading readiness, creative arts and opportunities to develop independence, self-management skills and a positive attitude toward learning. This more academic curriculum remains well-balanced with ample playtime and a strong social value structure common to all of our classrooms.
The class runs Monday through Thursdays (8:40 AM to 2:00 PM) and Fridays (8:40 AM to 11:45 AM). The program is reserved for children who (i) are eligible to enter kindergarten at the start of the school year; (ii) will turn 5-years-old on or before December 1 of that school year; or (iii) have been recommended for the Pre-K program by a teacher.
Toddler Time

Toddler Time is a delightful mommy-and-me program offered to children who have turned one-years-old by September along with their parent/caregiver. The group meets on Tuesday mornings from 10:30 AM to 11:40 AM. The morning begins with the entire group participating in a joyful Yoga class. This is then followed by an age appropriate craft project and free play. Children are encouraged to explore new materials and to interact with one another. It is a wonderful opportunity to share information and make new friends. The morning ends with a snack followed by a sing-along good bye.
Summer Camp for Rising 3s
The ECC offers a summer camp exclusively for children who are enrolled in our upcoming 3s class in the Fall. This is a diaper friendly camp run by the ECC teaching staff, Activities include water play, crafts, gardening, story time and music. The camp runs from June 11 - August 1, 2025 from 9:15 AM - 12:00 PM Monday thru Friday. For more information contact Jackie Mazzilli at
Afternoon Enrichment
Our Afternoon Enrichment program is a way for families to extend their child’s time at school until 2:00 pm Monday thru Thursday. These classes are offered to children in our 3s and 4s program who are toilet trained and no longer in need of a nap. This program is designed to be flexible. Your child may begin on any day you wish. They may come all the days, three days or just one day a week. You might only need it once in a while.
Lunch can be ordered Mon, Tues., Wed. and Thurs. for an additional cost.