Parent Engagement
There are many opportunities for parent involvement in the Early Childhood Center. Parents are encouraged to take part in the life of the school in a variety of ways; through in class visits, ECC sponsored parent workshops, Shabbat and a variety of holiday celebrations. In addition, parents and guardians have the opportunity to become even more involved in our community by becoming active in our Parent Association.
These are just a few ways of getting involved:
Become a Class Parent – help coordinate parent assistance in holiday parties, facilitate class gifts, and organize parents to provide transportation for class trips and assist with the class Sharing Shabbat.
Get involved in the Parent Association – chair a committee to help spearhead one of the many social, educational and/or fundraising activities sponsored throughout the year or simply volunteer to become a Host Family, work a shift at the book fair, bring a dessert for Pajama Night, attend a sponsored lecture, or gather your friends to shop at Boutique Night. There are many different ways to get involved. We will hold a morning meeting in the fall or contact the current Parent Association chair to find out more.
Help Tend the ECC Vegetable Garden – our garden is always in need of help with weeding and harvesting. Please see the Director if you are interested in helping out.
If you have a special area of interest or expertise that you would like to share, please let our staff know. Our parent body is a rich source of talent, energy and creativity. We value your input, suggestions, and assistance.